Monday, April 26, 2010

Simple solution for Acne and Pimples

From my personal experience, I would suggest:

1.Cleaning you face at least 3 times a day with mild soap and lots of water.
2.Avoid touching, scratching your face, especially the affected area.
3.Avoid direct sunlight, use a good sunscreen.
4.Try to use minimal makeup and wash your face as soon as you can to remove it.
5.Its a common myth that we should keep our face free from Oil, but too much dryness also triggers irritation and allergies which causes Pimples, to avoid this try to keep a balance between oiliness and dryness.
6. Remember that naturally occurring oil on our skin of face is actually its natural way of fighting from external allergens and irritants.

Apart from the external applications, personally i have experienced that the a balanced diet helps greatly in reduction of pimples.
1. You can start using lot of green vegetables rich in vitamins and roughage.
2. Drink at-least 2-3 liter of water.
3. increase intake of vitamin C in your diet by having citrus fruits.
4. Try to cut on excess salt.
5. Most effective is to cut amount of your daily intake of oil and fat.,